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The proper term for termite excrement is frass. Many people do not know what termite droppings look like and often mistake it for sawdust.


Knowing how termite excrement look like could save you a lot of money all your entire house.


As a home owner you should be worried when you come across termite excrement in your house because it is a clear sign of a termite infestation.


So am going to take you through the ways that will help you identify a termite infestation by simply knowing what termite droppings look like.


When you see small meandering tubes on the walls of your house, know that there is a probable termite infestation.

If your sight is not very good. Dry wood termite excrement looks like granular balls that vary in color.


Some exhibit a dark coffee like color and some are lighter in color. On the other side, saw-dust looks like minute chips and shavings and the entire lot has the same color.


It is hard for human beings and other predators to detect presence of dry wood termites as they normally burrow into wood.


This is their survival tactic and it protects them from predators that could find them on open surface. Termites love their colonies tidy. This is our ease.


Why? When their habitats are full of their excrement, they will burrow a hole through the wood to the outside so as to be able to get rid of these termite droppings. This is our first optical sign of an infestation. 


When you see termite droppings, you should be aware that they are eating up your house probably and you should seek professional help.


The professional would help you know how severe the infestation is, the damage that has already been caused and of course advise you on the way forward; most pest control experts would do an inspection free of charge. 


But if you are well versed in this area you can carry out the inspection yourself.

If you have found termite poop but you are still not sure that it is what we are looking for, here is are extra sign. 


Adult termites develop wings but discard them at the long run. This is a good sign that often remain unnoticed by many.


Flying adult termites are known as swarmers. When these swarmers get to their anticipated destination they discard these wings. If this targeted area is still within your home, then these wings should be visible there.


These discarded wings are small in size but still detectable. You will find them in pairs that are identical. Look on the window sills, any spider webs and on floors. 


If you see termite poop and their wings at the same place you can use a screwdriver to test if that is your infested area Use a screwdriver to tap wood and if you hear a hollow like noise when you hit the wood softly then know that they have eaten up the wood to a considerable extent.


Termites have a biological benefit. By feeding on cellulose; they help speed up the decaying process of wood so as to give space for new trees to grow.

In some African communities termite poop has a dietary value as they are rich in magnesium.


Termite droppings do not cause serious health problems. However, termite poop being light like saw dust; it is easily blow by wind and ends up causing minor health problems such as asthma and skin allergies.

You are thereby advised to clean it up and fight the infestation not just to save your home but for a hygienic environment too. More information can be found here